Hur’q Vedcrid Hive Dreadnought Carrier [T6]

Hur'q vessels serve the primary purpose for the insectoid species as mobile hives, housing multiple generations of Hur'q progeny and their Drantzuli attendants. Functionally little more than mobile starbases, these vessels are specialized for the harvesting of resources that keep the two-thousand-year Hur'q cycles intact. Despite a relatively civilian design (when seen through the unique lens of Hur'q society), these vessels are capable of a surprising level of self-defense, and can easily stand toe-to-toe with warships of other species. With minimal retrofitting, their harmonic interfaces can be made to interact with more conventional technology, and can thus be flown by most sentient species.

The Vedcrid Hive is outfitted with Automated Defense Screens. These specialized shield emitters will adapt to incoming fire, stacking up to the point of temporary directional immunity. There is an internal cooldown on this system, making it somewhat unreliable as a primary form of defense, but ultimately grants this starship a large degree of additional survivability when properly used.

This starship features a Commander Engineering/Command specialist seat.

Command ships are impressive vessels designed to inspire those around them. When the Command ship or its teammates activate a Bridge Officer ability, all Command Ships on the team will receive a small amount of the Inspiration resource. Command Bridge Officer abilities generate additional Inspiration. Once a Command ship's Inspiration meter is full they can use one of three powerful abilities that can turn the tide of battle.