Undine Cheirax Bio-Warship [T6]

The Undine Cheirax Bio-warship [T6] is an upgraded version of the Undine Nicor. A better understanding of Undine bio-technology, movement in fluidic space and other advances in impulse technology have allowed salvage teams to recover and rebuilt a much more complete picture of the starship’s combat capabilities, enhancing its ability to move through normal space to match how it dances through fluidic space.

This starship features a Commander Tactical/Pilot and a Lieutenant Commander Universal/Intel specialist seat.

Pilot ships are highly agile craft designed to perform advanced maneuvers that can give them a deadly edge in combat. Your starship can perform a sudden maneuver in each horizontal direction: Forward, Backward, Left or Right. Executing each maneuver will rapidly reposition your starship while granting very brief damage immunity, but costs all available thruster fuel which takes several seconds to recover.